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A vicious serial killer is on the loose and you have to stop him.  

You managed to sneak into his basement and must piece together video evidence and report it to the police.


Be careful.


If you render the videos in the wrong order 4 times, you will get caught by the killer.

Game Details

Platform(s): Windows, MacOS

Tools: Unity, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects

Development Time: 5 Days

Team Size: 3

My Role(s): Game Design, Programming, Camera Operating


Creeper In Action


We had the honour of Markiplier play our game!


Check it out: 11:32 - 19:21


Design Goals

Making FMV  both a Mechanic and a Narrative Element











We had the constraint of  using Full Motion Video in our game.  We thought it would be more interactive for the main mechanic to be that the player needs to piece together the FMV clips as if they were editing a video. The purpose of this is to not only win the game but also give some context for why the player is piecing together the clips in the first place.


Steer Away from Jump Scares 













In various horror games a lot of the "horror" is achieved through jump scares.  We didn't want the unsettling nature of our game to be created through jump scares as we thought it would be an interesting challenge to make a horror experience without them.  As shown in the image above, there are moments where the lights will turn off for a period of time and then turn back on, foot steps can also be heard sporadically. These subtle additions combined with the player's desire to solve the puzzle and witness what happens builds up tension progressively as the game goes on.


Pic_Drag&Drop 279.png
Pic_Dark 5.png

Challenges & Solutions

Getting rid of secondary mechanics to fit the scope and time constraints

























There was an initial plan of having a secondary mechanic where the player needs to check a surveillance  camera screen on the computer to check where the killer is.  Due to time and scope, we were unable to fully implement the mechanic, however we took this as an opportunity to focus on our main mechanic. 


After working through our core game loop as shown above we found that having the additional secondary mechanic would make the game confusing and frustrating.  (Hovering over the game loop image will reveal the former game loop that we had with the surveillance mechanic.) 


Needing to focus only on the main mechanic allowed us to spend more time working on the atmospheric details (left-right footsteps, light flickers, photos in the scene, etc.) which made a much more immersive gameplay experience overall.


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